Thursday, April 14, 2011

From the Second Written Assignment

Model Introductions

by C. Reid
Senses Fail is great at using lyrics and song names to evoke pathos. They try to create songs that someone can easily listen to and wonder about the meaning of the songs. James Buddy Nielsen the lead singer go as far as making a story with three songs. It starts out with All The Best Cowboy's Have Daddy Issues to Negative Spaces and lastly The Priest and The Matador. Senses Fail's song The Priest and The Matador can be interpreted several ways by itself. However I will be introducing each song to give a clearer depiction of what type of pathos may be happening with this man's story and going into detail on the two songs that lyrically tell the story, All The Best Cowboy's Have Daddy Issues and The Priest and The Matador.

by C. Petersen
This world can be a dark and scary place, every day the news focuses on the tragedies and pain that takes place locally or around the globe. People are fallible, we hurt one another, sometimes on purpose, at others accidently, it happens and we can feel helpless to control what we do. Yet, the one thing in life we can control, our own actions or reactions can be life and death to others, as well as ourselves. Growing up in a very violent home, with no understanding of love or forgiveness, forgiveness becomes a commodity not given easily. Years ago, I experienced a love I cannot explain and strive everyday to reflect, still the question arises how. How does one emulate and reflect a love they cannot explain or understand? In Brian Zahnd’s book, “Unconditional” lays the answer to that question. “In a world where the ugliness of rage and retaliation are driving the story line of the twenty-first century, the beauty of authentic Christian forgiveness is the compelling alternative”(xxi). In discovering the full meaning and depth of forgiveness of Christ on the cross, I could not have anticipated the affect this act of mercy would have on me. Knowing this depth, I am drawn to teachings of forgiveness, to understand how to follow the example of Christ. Therefore, the first question I have when encountering such a book is; what kind of man wrote it, does his credibility stand scrutiny? This is why I decided to write about the ethos of Pastor and author Brian Zahnd.

Model Summary of a Text(s)

by L. Hahne
This song is a great example of pathos because it is full of emotion. You can basically taste the loneliness and desire for love and companionship that the singer is crying out for. She is telling us how she has wanted to express her feelings to the one she loves, but she cannot bring herself to share this secret. The verses explain how she was content until she met the cause of her heartache. Now she cannot bear the thought of being away from that person yet she is torn between the need to profess her devotion and the fear of rejection. Love is the strongest emotion you can feel, and it is a cruel thing at times. It can make you feel as if you are
floating on air, or as if your heart is breaking.

by C. Ascheman
Letters to God has many characters; however, the most important ones are Tyler who is the 8-year-old boy with cancer, his mother Mattie, big brother Ben, best friend Samantha (Sam), Sam's grandfather, and the mail carrier Brady. Each of these people is very special to Tyler in one way or another. Tyler is a very strong and brave young boy who is fighting the battle with cancer. He loves to play soccer, although he has not been able to since he got sick. Sometimes he just kicks the ball around in the front yard. Tyler is a very loving boy, and to deal with his illness, he writes letters to god. Most of his letters are about how he wants god to help all the people in his neighborhood because they have all done things to try and help Tyler and his mother since his father died of cancer and now he is fighting for his life. His mother Mattie is having a very hard time dealing with her son being sick after losing her husband to cancer and starts to doubt her faith in God. Ben is a good big brother, although he is starting to act out because he feels his sick brother is getting all the attention. Sam is Tyler’s best friend and sticks with him through everything. She takes care of the bullies that pick on him when his hair has fallen out and he is too weak to play sports. Sam's grandfather is a very special old man that tells Tyler, "When people see how strong and brave you are, it makes them think about their own life." He was a wise old man that had plenty of wisdom for Tyler and helped him when kids made fun of him. All of these people played a very important part in Tyler's very short life, as well as him playing one in theirs.

by J. Sanford
For 18 years now, Jillian Michaels has been establishing herself within the fitness industry; being a certified personal trainer holding accreditations with the National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association (NESTA) and the American Fitness Association of America (AFAA). She also holds a certification for nutrition and wellness consulting through the American Fitness Professionals Association. Over the past 5 years, she has worked as a fitness instructor, life coach, and motivator on the television show The Biggest Loser. While on the show, she pushes her contestants through brutal exercise routines and encourages them to confront the emotional issues that got them to their current state of being morbidly obese and feeling worthless.

Model Analysis(Analyses)

by J. Sanford
As the author of Winning by Losing, she admits to her own struggles with weight as a teenager and how she was able to overcome it, to pursue a healthy lifestyle . Michael’s book is organized in three different sections; Self, Science and Sweat. In the Self section she touches on her weight issues and other mental obstacles that someone may face when trying to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. The Science section explains how to adjust caloric intake to maximize weight loss, and the Sweat section organizes workout routines and different exercises to help the weight loss process.

Jillian Michaels is not only an author and trainer she’s an entrepreneur ; launching Empowered Media, LLC a few years ago to create a solution for those individuals wanting to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Through Empowered Media, LLC she has been able to promote her exercise DVDs, video games and equipment reaching those in every demographic that are in need of some type of motivation or assistance in making steps necessary to live a healthy lifestyle. Jillian also does work for charitable organizations such as; the American Cancer Society, NFL Play 60, and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, which is a program dedicated to changing the childhood obesity epidemic in this country.

Even with all of her experiences, within the fitness industry and her own struggle with weight as a teenager; I feel it doesn’t give her the credibility to represent those individuals that have struggled with weight their entire lives . In her book, she exposes why she was struggling with her weigh , “When I was my heaviest as a fifteen-year-old about 50 pounds heavier and 2 inches shorter than I am now, my parents were in the middle of one hell of an ugly divorce. I told everyone I was fine, that I didn’t care, but every day after school I would go up to the roof of our house and eat myself into a coma” (page 15). Granted she and her family were dealing with some major life changing events at that time and she choose to use food to comfort herself. For those individuals that struggle with morbid obesity their entire lives, one event doesn’t make them revert to food for comfort. Morbidly obese people have been conditioned from an early age to eat poorly, consume too much food and develop a relationship with food, unlike someone who isn’t morbidly obese.

by C. Ascheman
Letters to God has many characters; however, the most important ones are Tyler who is the 8-year-old boy with cancer, his mother Mattie, big brother Ben, best friend Samantha (Sam), Sam's grandfather, and the mail carrier Brady. Each of these people is very special to Tyler in one way or another. Tyler is a very strong and brave young boy who is fighting the battle with cancer. He loves to play soccer, although he has not been able to since he got sick. Sometimes he just kicks the ball around in the front yard. Tyler is a very loving boy, and to deal with his illness, he writes letters to god. Most of his letters are about how he wants god to help all the people in his neighborhood because they have all done things to try and help Tyler and his mother since his father died of cancer and now he is fighting for his life. His mother Mattie is having a very hard time dealing with her son being sick after losing her husband to cancer and starts to doubt her faith in God. Ben is a good big brother, although he is starting to act out because he feels his sick brother is getting all the attention. Sam is Tyler’s best friend and sticks with him through everything. She takes care of the bullies that pick on him when his hair has fallen out and he is too weak to play sports. Sam's grandfather is a very special old man that tells Tyler, "When people see how strong and brave you are, it makes them think about their own life." He was a wise old man that had plenty of wisdom for Tyler and helped him when kids made fun of him. All of these people played a very important part in Tyler's very short life, as well as him playing one in theirs.

During this movie, Tyler touched everyone's lives, but most of all the mail carrier Brady's life. Brady is struggling with his own life since his drinking caused him to lose custody of his son, and when he takes over Tyler's route he is the one that gets the letters daily that Tyler writes. When Brady goes to his supervisor and asks what to do with the letters, he is told, "It's your journey Brady, you decide." He takes the letters home and reads them every night, although he is not sure what to do with them. Every time he asks someone what he should do with the letters he is told they ended up with him for a reason. When Tyler starts to get worse, Brady reads Tyler's letters and sees how Tyler has touched everyone's lives. Tyler's letter to Brady said, "I'm not feeling better like I used to. Before I die can you help Mr. Brady? He's so cool and he has a boy, but I don't think they get to see each other. Could you tell Mr. Brady's heart it's going to be okay? " He later discovers the reason he received the letters is to help everyone know how Tyler felt about each of them when Tyler dies. He takes the letters to all the people Tyler had asked God to help so they would know how they touched his life. Sometimes you touch a person's life without even knowing it. Not only did he help Tyler by being in his life and helping him play soccer just by kicking the ball around the yard, but also Tyler helped him straighten his life up so that he could get his son back in his life.

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