Thursday, January 27, 2011

Written Assignment - Outline

What is the brand? What is the company? (EG Dolce and Gabbana – clothing) For the intro, you may think about researching your brand/company and spend some time explaining what it is to your audience.

Describe the ad in detail.

Claim (thesis) What is this paper about?

Why you chose the ad? Instead of explaining why you chose the ad, let’s focus on more of a logical argument (e.g. think logos). You may still discuss why you chose the ad; however, place yourself among the general population that would find this ad alarming. Upon doing so, you will explain what is shocking? Think of objectification.

Target demographic

Objectification – Who does it objectify? How does it objectify a gender?

Claim: The advertisement for Chase and Sanborn coffee, targeting white, young middle class 50’s housewives, suggests that if their husbands find out that they are not “store-testing for fresher coffee” then they will turn their wives over their knee.

What is going on in the ad? Describe to us in detail what is going on here. Remember your audience has not seen the ad. So what do you need to do? Think of your role as a writer is similar to a traditional journalist, reporting only the straight facts. I want detail here, folks!

What is being sold? Who is the company? > Who is the target demographic? Why is this the target demographic?

How is the ad objectifying a gender? This is separate from the description of the ad. While you are in a way telling us what is going on, instead, tell us how does the ad objectifying men or women. Take into account detail. The audience has not seen the ad, so it should be clear in their mind what is going on.

What is the message of the ad? (e.g. think in terms of the target demographic.) Think of the implications. Also, how does the company package the brand? This may seem confusing. Remember the Burger King ad (e.g. if not I have included it in this attachment/post). How does BK attempt to sell the “BK Seven Incher” using sex or portraying a young white blonde woman looking like she is about to give head? How does it work?

Revisit what you have written in the intro paragraph. As I suggested that you place yourself among the general population that would find this ad alarming, arrive at some sort of conclusion. What pisses you off? What is wrong with this ad? Why is this cause for alarm? Remember don’t rant. Watch your tone. You do not want to alienate your readers. However, you don’t want to go off on a tangent about right and wrong. Turn this into a logical argument by placing yourself among the general population.

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